A Word from the Lead Pastor & Head of School

Covenant Life Church and Covenant Life School have been side by side in ministry since their beginnings. You could say we've “grown up” together. The Church began in 1977 and two years later opened the school to provide an option for Scripture-based education in an increasingly secularized culture. In the forty–five years since we have worked together to equip Christian families and disciple the next generation. Motivated by this parallel mission, the joint capital campaign recognizes the overlap of our ministries and seeks to be faithful stewards of the building and grounds the Lord has provided. 

As we look at our current culture, we believe the need for collaboration in proclaiming and holding fast to the truth is even greater than when we first began. Even as separate institutions, we believe we're stronger together, as we spur one another on in our mission to build the kingdom of God. In partnership, we strengthen each other as we invite this generation and the next to experience the love of God and encourage them to respond in love for Him, others, and truth.

As a means to this end, the stewardship of our building is important and necessary. We gratefully stand on the shoulders of those who came before us and sacrificed to provide this amazing facility. A fully functioning building is integral to the mission that we are building. We are filled with faith and excitement as we reflect on God’s faithfulness and look ahead to the thousands of people we can minister to and bless through this building in the years to come, as we grow together. We invite you to be a part of the mission of building faith-filled futures.


Kevin Rogers
Lead Pastor, Covenant Life Church
Parent, Covenant Life School

Jamie Leach
Head of School, Covenant Life School
Elder, Covenant Life Church